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Penn-Plax Cascade Betta Fish Aquarium Starter Kit

Original price was: $21.99.Current price is: $17.59.

(In Stock)

SKU: D9688525700 Category:

The Betta Starter Kit provides all the tools for a healthly,safe, and convenient solution for an ideal Betta environmentCustomers will get all the Betta necessities in one box,saving your precious peg space. No salesperson assistancerequired for a customer to get everything they need to beeducated and successful Betta owner. Perfect item to bundlewith live fish and Betta tanks. Get a larger ring on Bettaaccessories, no essentials will be left out. Perfect forstores with small aquatic sets or busy sales accessories.Let’s keep new fish owners in the hobby by giving them thetools for a successful fish keeping experience. Perfect forfish owners! One stop shop at a great price point.Includes 9 necessary Betta starter items:Compact and efficient mini sponge filter for clean, healthywater; Powerful, quiet nano air pump; 2.5 feet of airlinetubing to connect filter and air pump; Check valve –prevents water backflow; Scrubber sponge that safety cleansacrylic, glass and plastic aquariums; 3″ fish net; fullrange digital thermometer; Betta leaf for resting and decor;1 lb. of decorative Zeolite waste absorbing crystals –naturally absorbs ammonia.


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